Dangers of Deep Tissue Massage

Most people think massage means candle-lit rooms, with sounds of babbling brooks and relaxing essential oils filling the air. They envision themselves relaxing and reducing stress, improving athletic performance. Some people want to help their body along in a detox /weight loss protocol or just help to do some self-care to relax both the body and mind. No one thinks that they may end up in the emergency room after getting a massage. In rare cases, it can happen.
Swedish Massage
The most popular form of massage in the United States is the Swedish massage. This is the type of massage that comes to mind if you ask someone to envision him or herself getting a massage.
Swedish massage is a series of light to moderate pressure strokes that enhance blood flow to muscles and stimulate lymph to drain away toxins from the muscles to be handled by the liver and kidneys.
Swedish massage is generally considered safe for any healthy individual. Anyone whose kidneys and liver are in good working order should be able to process the extra waste products that are moved into the blood and lymph during a massage.
Swedish massage is a powerful type of detox for the body and can make you feel great afterwards which is why it is so popular, but people with kidney or liver problems should be sure to consult a doctor before having a massage. If you are one of these people and you have your doctor’s OK, always be sure to tell your massage therapist and write it down on the paperwork you fill out on your first visit.
Not All Massages Are About Relaxation
There are other types of massage – lots of them. Many of these other massage types/styles known as “modalities” by professionals, utilize quite a good deal of pressure to break up a connective tissue called fascia. Breaking up body tissues is what leads to the potential dangers of deep tissue massage.
Fascia is the white web-like structure that grows all over our bodies under our skin and around muscles, organs, and joints. Fascia is essentially what holds us together – and aids in strength – like lifting.Your muscles and connective tissues have to relax first before deep pressure can be effective. If your therapist goes too deep too quickly, you could end up with a good deal of bruising or a tear or a tendon. The last thing you want out of a massage is a new injury.
Professional tip: If you can afford a 90 or 120-minute massage, then do it. The longer a therapist has to work on you, the better your expected results can be. Also, the less soreness you will likely feel afterwards. In my experience, one hour is just barely enough time to work quickly through most areas of the body in a way that brings about relaxation. Right about the time that I feel the client’s body give in to the massage and relax, the time is up.
The most beneficial massages that I have given, whether deep tissue or more standard Swedish, were at least two full hours in length. The result is like night and day. If it is within your means – do it. If you are getting someone a massage as a gift – get them a full 2-hour massage. They will be your best friend for life. Also, by giving them a full two-hour session, if they choose a deep tissue massage, then they have less risk of facing the dangers of deep tissue massage.
Don’t try to relive years worth of problems in a single,
one-hour session
Effective deep tissue work takes time – as in several sessions, even if you opt for two-hour-long sessions. It is the therapist’s job to know how much your body can take at a time. When you are massaging someone, you can tell if muscles and fascia are releasing or getting tighter.
If you keep insisting your therapist should go deeper, they may do so for fear that you won’t return if they don’t give you what you want when they know that what they are doing will probably be counter-productive.
Also, remember to let your therapist know if he or she is causing pain above mild discomfort. Communication is key. Don’t try to tough it out. The “no pain, no gain” idea doesn’t work for massage. You may end up very sore the next day as a result, or worse – which leads me to my next point…
Prepare your body before you go to a massage
(especially a deep tissue massage)
and follow up with the correct care for your body afterward.
There is a “magic potion” that is available to everyone at no cost that can both prepare the body for and aid it after deep tissue massage: water. Sorry, I know you were expecting something much more exciting.
Water helps lubricate tissues like fascia before getting a massage and then helps transport away wastes produced when fascia is broken down, and muscles sustain minor crushing during deep tissue massage. Sounds horrible, but that is what happens – and it can bring a great deal of relief when tissues have become stagnant and are not moving properly, getting good blood flow or lymph circulation. Gentle yoga is also a great way to get the tissues in the body lubricated.
Water is critical to this process functioning correctly – so drink up before and after you get your massage! You might also consider going to a therapist trained in deep tissue and lymphatic massage so that the inflammation caused by deep tissue work can be drained away at the end of the session.
However. that thing about the hospital…it’s possible. The pain that many people feel after a deep tissue massage is from rhabdomyolysis, or skeletal muscle breakdown (rhabdo=skeleton +myo=muscle + lysis=breakdown). This is the same thing that causes people who have severe crush injuries to die. Wow! That does sound serious, right? Yep. Too much of a good thing, plus not enough water, or kidney/liver problems can add up to serious problems with deep tissue massage.
Does that Mean You Should Avoid Deep Tissue Massage?
Absolutely not! Provided your kidneys and liver are functioning correctly (they filter the wastes out of the blood), that you are well-hydrated (so that the waste byproducts can be moved from your muscles to your kidneys and liver), that your heart is in decent shape, and that you aren’t over-doing it (plan on several sessions, not just one), and you aren’t pushing your therapist to do more than he or she feels comfortable with, then you should be just fine.
Deep tissue massage can be extremely effective. Now that you are armed with all the stuff you need to know, go find yourself a great therapist! (And don’t forget to book for 2 full hours!)
If deep tissue massage isn’t right for you, check out the different types of massage that exist. You’d be surprised at just how effective other types of massage can be.
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