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What Can an Integrative Health Practitioner Do for You?

what can an integrative health practitioner do

What Can a Functional Medicine Coach Do?

Labs in Functional Medicine Coaching

Functional Medicine Coaches incorporate various functional labs into their practices. These labs offer valuable insights into clients’ health and can address various issues. Some of the key labs include:

  1. Food Sensitivity Testing: Analyzing IgG reactions to 190 foods provides information on sensitivities that may lead to symptoms such as headaches, irritability, and skin rashes.

  2. Parasite and Bacteria Stool Testing: This test assesses key gut bacteria and parasite markers linked to body pain, brain fog, low energy, and headaches.

  3. Organic Acids (Metabolic and Minerals): Evaluates intestinal yeast and bacteria levels, helping identify potential contributors to behavior disorders, fatigue, and immune function issues.

  4. Omega-3 Test: Assesses the balance between Omega-6 and Omega-3 levels, providing insights into inflammation and overall cardiovascular health.

  5. Adrenal Hormone Test: Examines estrogen, progesterone, and cortisol patterns throughout the day, offering insights into hormonal balance.

  6. Thyroid Adrenal Hormone Test: A comprehensive test that includes thyroid levels, insulin, A1C, and vitamin D, helping identify hidden inflammatory triggers and hormone imbalances.

  7. HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis): This foundational lab assesses mineral levels, electrolytes, and toxic heavy metals, providing information about how the body responds to stress.

Utilizing these labs doesn’t aim to diagnose or cure diseases, but they offer unique, actionable insights into individual health.

The Integrative Health Practitioner Mission

The core mission of Functional Medicine is to offer personalized and effective guidance to empower individuals to heal themselves.  This is done by identifying key deficiencies, toxicities, and metabolic imbalances and then ensuring that those issues are addressed to bring the body back into balance.

Understanding Functional Medicine

Functional Medicine, as opposed to integrative medicine, emphasizes holistic, patient-centered care. It utilizes natural, alternative protocols, focusing on the partnership between the practitioner and the client, addressing the whole person, and utilizing evidence-based practices.

Effectiveness of Functional Medicine

Numerous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of integrative health in treating various health problems, including anxiety, depression, autoimmune conditions, chronic pain, and heart disease. Integrative health alleviates symptoms and may positively impact health on a genetic level by upregulating health-promoting genes and downregulating disease-associated ones.


Functional Medicine Practitioners can help people in a way that conventional medicine cannot. Integrating functional labs and a holistic approach to overall health helps individuals achieve their healthiest and most vibrant lives.